The Team
Alexander Damaskinos
Alexander holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Ship Science (Naval Architecture), and a Master of Science in Shipping and Logistics. Moreover, he is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered shipbrokers (FICS), an Associate of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects (AssocRINA), a Chartered Marine Technologist (CMarTech), a Member of the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (MIMarEst), an Associated Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (ACIArb), a Member of the Cyprus Naval Architects & Marine Engineers Associated (MCyNAMEA), and an Associate Member of the International Institute of Marine Surveyors (AssocIIMS). Moreover, he also holds an MCA Master 200/OOW 500 (STCW II/2) Certificate of Competence.
He has been the Secretary of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (Cyprus Branch) since 2018, and the Secretary General of the Cyprus Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Association (CyNAMEA) since 2020.
Professionally, Alexander boasts over a decade of experience in high profile projects spanning across a wide range of disciplines in the shipping and yachting industry.
Alexander has been a keen sailor from a very young age and continues to sail passionately at every opportunity.
Agesilaos Eliades
Agesilaos Eliades has been an active sailor and RYA skipper for the past decade. His favorite sailing grounds span from the Ionian to Central Aegean. He joined forces with Lemonbuoy from the onset of their Yacht Management operations. He continues to be involved in Yacht Management and has an active role in the sales and purchase of yachts as well. Concurrently, he is in charge of analytics and feasibility operations relating to Yacht acquisition investment schemes.
He possesses more than 10 years of experience in actuarial valuations, data analysis, reform and feasibility studies and budget projection. Prior to joining Lemonbuoy, he served as Senior Assistant Actuary and Partner at I.E. Muhanna & Co where he advised on the obligations and funding requirements of defined benefit Pension Schemes and defined contribution Schemes with combined assets exceeding €1.5 bn.
Eliades earned his BSc degree in Mathematics and Actuarial Science from Southampton University (UK).